Beloved Children of the Holocaust, the film, is now available on FOS Entertainment!

"This film is the incredible story of Mary Burkett, an untrained artist, who was inspired to draw a picture of a boy she found online – a boy who turned out to be Hersch Goldberg, a five-year-old killed in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Hersch was the first of what would become a collection of 27 'beloved children' who have now inspired millions across the globe with their message of love and tolerance."
What people have said after watching the film:
The film "brings us together in a world trying to divide us all."
"It's not often you can witness a miracle, but I can't think of a more loving, kind, gentle miracle ever."
"I can only smile and gaze upward at this so unlikely and holy a thing. Amazing."
"I love a powerful story and the Beloved is certainly that."
"Beautiful! Moving! Inspiring! Timely!"
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